• Intelligent Mobile Computing Lab(IMC Lab) Department of Data Science, Hanyang University

  • Intelligent Mobile Computing Lab(IMC Lab) Department of Data Science, Hanyang University

  • Intelligent Mobile Computing Lab(IMC Lab) Department of Data Science, Hanyang University


About IMC Lab

Today, we live in an "always connected" world thanks to mature wireless networking technologies such as WiFi and 4G/LTE that enable mobile unified communications. This concept of "always connected" is now spanning from interconnecting "smart" handheld devices to a broad range of devices/environments including smart vehicles (e.g., inter-vehicular communications), smart home (e.g., networked home appliances), smart grid (e.g., networked electricity control), etc. We believe this spread will be even more accelerated due to advent of Internet of Things (IoT). Our Intelligent Mobile Computing Lab has been working on: 1) Interconnecting devices in IoT environment and their efficient managements; 2) Human or machine generated data have become enormous recently. To process them and extract meaningful conclusions, big data frameworks (i.e., Hadoop, Spark, Tez, etc.) and their resource management & scheduling tools (i.e., YARN, Mesos, etc.) are widely used. Our research focus is on improving their performances and building such systems; and 3) Lastly, but equally importantly, network QoS and traffic optimization are required from the datacenter (gigantic data exchange) to home network (relatively small data exchange). To better cope with these requirements, we are also working on Software Defined Networking (SDN).


About IMC Lab

Today, we live in an "always connected" world thanks to mature wireless networking technologies such as WiFi and 4G/LTE that enable mobile unified communications. This concept of "always connected" is now spanning from interconnecting "smart" handheld devices to a broad range of devices/environments including smart vehicles (e.g., inter-vehicular communications), smart home (e.g., networked home appliances), smart grid (e.g., networked electricity control), etc. We believe this spread will be even more accelerated due to advent of Internet of Things (IoT).

Our Intelligent Mobile Computing Lab has been working on: 1) Interconnecting devices in IoT environment and their efficient managements; 2) Human or machine generated data have become enormous recently. To process them and extract meaningful conclusions, big data frameworks (i.e., Hadoop, Spark, Tez, etc.) and their resource management & scheduling tools (i.e., YARN, Mesos, etc.) are widely used. Our research focus is on improving their performances and building such systems; and 3) Lastly, but equally importantly, network QoS and traffic optimization are required from the datacenter (gigantic data exchange) to home network (relatively small data exchange). To better cope with these requirements, we are also working on Software Defined Networking (SDN).


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